About NovelBaltic Platform
– designed for enterprises to find laboratories and institutes, which provide quality and authenticity analyses for raw materials and products.
– focus on non-timber forest products
How to Use NovelBaltic Platform
This video shows how you can use the platform to find the right analyses for your material or product and find a laboratory capable of performing them for you.

NovelBaltic is an Interreg project in Baltic Sea Area, which has many goals to improve marketing and development of non-timber forest products. One of these goals is to measure quality and prove authenticity of plant-based raw materials and products. Doing so, high quality and authentic products can be separated from the poor or counterfeited ones. For this purpose, NovelBaltic platform was built.
More about the goals and purpose of the NovelBaltic-project can be found in About.
Publications and Reports
Authentication of berries and berry-based food products
Berries represent one of the most important and high-valued group of modernday health-beneficial “superfoods” whose dietary consumption has been recognized to be […]
Trace Element Concentration and Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis in Blueberries and Bilberries: A Tool for Quality and Authenticity Control
Vaccinium genus berries—wild bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and cultivated highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)—are consumed worldwide, and their consumption has a trend […]
Variability in the Qualitative and Quantitative Composition and Content of Phenolic Compounds in the Fruit of Introduced American Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton)
Gudžinskaite, I. et.al. Variability in the Qualitative and Quantitative Composition and Content of Phenolic Compounds in the Fruit of Introduced American Cranberry […]
Cuticular Wax Composition of Wild and Cultivated Northern Berries
Klavins, L.; Klavins, M. Cuticular Wax Composition of Wild and Cultivated Northern Berries. Foods 2020, 9, 587 Abstract: The outer-most layer of […]